Megérkezett a legújabb rFactor2 build

Az előző rFactor2 frissítés nem sikerül a legjobban, így az ISI gárdája kiadott egy új frissítést a játékhoz. A most érkezett 1084-es build ennek megfelelően csak néhány apróbb módosítást tartalmaz.
A frissítést letölthetitek a beépített funkció segítségével, míg az újdonságok listáját kicsit lentebb olvashatjátok angol nyelven.

Known issue:

– Lost wheel intermittent repair after driver change, possibly more likely with higher damage percent set. ‘Normal’ damage repairs function as intended.
– There are still some issues with various security suites that we are not in control of. Depending on what software you use, you will need to find a workaround based on how it reacts or what it blocks. We would be grateful to see these false reports passed onto the developers of those suites so that they can whitelist our software.

Build notes:

– Stopped overwriting your own Unsportsmanslike Driving multiplayer setting when you joined a server (should only affect the current setting). This would only matter if you used the same Player.JSON for both servers and clients.

– Fixed sun occlusion bug in showroom.
– Adjusted particle params for rain spray.
– Removed error msg from Mas2.
– Fix for steam launcher getting “Password invalid” when attempting to download missing components from a password-less dedicated server.
– Workaround for lag in options when using Thrustmaster drivers 2016_TTRS_1.
– Rearranged throttle/brake/clutch pedal mappings for Logitech G920 because they will be rearranged with the next Logitech driver/firmware release (which are in Beta as of this writing). If any users continue to use the previous Logitech drivers, they will need to re-map the pedals after loading the Logitech G920 profile.
– Attempt to prevent Knockout Qualifying plugin from overwriting manual grid edits.

Toya: Szimulátorozás, régi játékok gyűjtése és egy állandó kiállítás létrehozásának álma. http://www.hsw.hu http://jatekmuzeum.blog.hu
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