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Megérkezett az 1.06-os Gran Turismo 6 frissítés


183313_orig_24A Polyphony Digital gárdájától már megszokhattátok az elmúlt időszakban, hogy időnként új frissítéseket adnak ki az éppen aktuális Gran Turismo részhez. Nincs ez másképp a sorozat hatodik részénél sem, amelyhez most érkezett meg az 1.06-os patch.
Az új javítás számtalan újdonsággal szolgál a Playstation3 játékosoknak, amelyek listáját lentebb olvashatjátok el angol nyelven.

Update Features:

Data Logger now available

  • [Data Logger] has been added to the [TOOLS] section in “My Home”. The Data Logger analyzes the driving data stored on a Replay file and displays it in a graph, allowing users to view and compare variations in vehicle speed, acceleration points, braking points, engine rpm values and gear positions.

GPS Visualizer function introduced

  • [GPS Visualizer] has been added to the [TOOLS] section in “My Home”. By driving a car equipped with the “Sports Drive Logger” (sold by Toyota) on a real-life circuit, the recorded GPS data can be transferred to “Gran Turismo 6” via a compatible USB storage media, and then subsequently converted into Replay file in the game. It’s be possible to compare and analyze these GPS data using the [Data Logger] feature. This feature is currently available with Fuji Speedway, Tsukuba Circuit and Suzuka Circuit, with more tracks to be added later on.

Custom Rear Wing option implemented

  • [Custom Rear Wing] has been added to the [External Parts] menu, accessible from the [Custom Parts] options within the [Tuning & Maintenance] section in “My Home”. You can choose a combination of wing mounts, wing style and side winglets. Users can also adjust the height and width of the wing to their liking. (*Please note this feature isn’t compatible with certain cars.)

3DTV compatibility now added

  • A [3DTV] option has been added to the [Display] category within the [Options] screen in the [MENU] (accessible by pressing the START button). A 3D compatible TV is required for this feature.

Adjustments to the Open Lobby

  • From the Member List, it is now possible to see the Performance Points, maximum output and weight of the cars that have joined the room.
  • An “Overall Best” time is now displayed on screen while in Practice, Qualifying, Time Trial and Drift Trial.
  • The minimum value for [Max Power Limit] and [Minimum Weight] has been changed from 10 to 1.
  • The options available in the [Race Type] menu within [Room Settings] of the “Event Settings” screen have been changed.

Other improvements and adjustments

  • The Traction Control System (TCS) which is activated when driving off-track is now used only in sand/gravel pits.
  • The strength of the “Real” option for the [Slipstream Strength] parameter within [Race Settings] when creating a room in [Open Lobby], has been weakened.

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